Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
guitar with wings tattoo on shoulders men
Polynesian tattoo designs
Take the Maori and Samoan tribes for example, Polynesian tattoo designs were a Tapu, or sacred art form. Thus the revered tattoo artists in these societies, were held in the same esteemed regard as the higher echelon virtuosos of today. Yet the community where I lived, saw all tattooing, including tribal art tattoos, as an indication of a degenerate, or at best 'an eccentric' - and eccentric is, in many ways, another word for contemptible. "Yeah, thanks for the positive support Dad!"
Paying Reverence To Islanders' Heritage
The islanders' history suggests that the Polynesian conflation of soul with body, and the belief that one could gain special advantages in the afterlife, through tribal tattoo designs, was far from limited to their culture. ("Special advantages in the afterlife? Well ink me up then!"). Similar beliefs can be found in ancient European and Asian cultures, which were responsible for the prevalence of tribal art designs among the natives of North Africa and Papua, New Guinea.
The extreme proficiency of Polynesian design creation, has become renowned amid the great and meaningful art forms the world over. After all, when people are willing to spend their entire lives in the presence of such articulated art, and be judged by everyone that sees it, is truly a mark of admiration for such a specialized technique. They are such striking, intriguing and alluring forms of expression, I knew I had to have one, or two, or three...I was worried about running out of skin space!
Polynesian tattoo designs, as one of the last surviving sacred forms of body art, were the natural locus for my studies. Indeed, the word 'tattoo' emerged from their language, (originating from the Tahitian term - 'Tatu', meaning - "to mark"). Furthermore, in the absence of any written language, those cultures created a form of articulation, dialogue and communication from their tribal tattoo designs. Various parts of the body which displayed the jet-black patterns, symbolized certain facets of their lives, experiences and beliefs respectively.
Immersed In Both The Culture And The Art-Form
Having lived for two years in the Marquesas islands, witnessing the art from descendants of tribal masters, I've found that Polynesian tattoo designs, for the original islanders, both provided a sense of belonging (through the sharing of an experience), and a sense of individuality. The designs, and their positioning on the body, were generally decided by one's family history, societal ranking, succession of maturity and personal achievements.
I learned first-hand how the Polynesians used symbols, intricate patterns, plus swirling and linear motifs, to typify storytelling among other representations, when composing tribal tattoo designs. Watching the rituals carried out with such primitive, yet effective tools such as bird-bones for needles and burnt gum from indigenous trees as ink. At times, they even used burnt vegetable caterpillars to form a black soot-like pigment to tap into the body using a mallet.
The definitions and history of what they symbolize, dates back generations, more so than any other tattoo art designs that I can immediately recall. Other societies across the oceans, have shown a great deal of respect and reverence to those island cultures, who took this form of expression far beyond what we as westerners could typically ever imagine. Plus the fact, they really do stand out from other tribal tattoo art, due to their incredibly unique and distinct appearance. Just like eating peanuts or potato chips...it's extremely difficult to just have one!
There's a certain gem of a resource, where not only you'll have full access to those eye-catching Polynesian Tattoo Designs, plus boatloads of valuable free treats, but also a myriad of other tribal art tattoos as well.
butterfly foot tattoos for girls and women
girls back tattoos designs
back tattoos are a popular tattoo placement for Girl , specifically the lower back tattoos. Here are some girls back tattoo ideas and tips that would work well for that area.
1. Flowers, butterflies, or dragons! These range from the pretty to the dangerous. Whatever your personal tastes are, some popular choices for lower back tattoos have been flowers symbolizing feminine qualities, a butterfly symbolizing intricate beauty, or a dragon symbolizing strength and danger. All work well on the lower back and because of the large area they can be intricately inked on for detail.
2. Large vs Small Back tattoo. I bring this up because I've noticed many girls whom after getting their tattoo, express a regret of not having got it bigger! Usually people go in to a parlor relatively conservative and are fearful that their tattoo will be too big. But when all is said and done, many reflect and realize a bigger design would have been more preferable. And this often seems the case with girls back tattoos. Remember that there is a decent amount of surface to work with, and getting a tiny tattoo is probably not going to look that great, and could even resemble a blemish if it's not big enough too actually fully notice.
3. A mural girl back tattoo. Some of the sexiest tattoo's I've seen have been murals, or mini murals. This is where a combination of designs are infused into one large design, so for instance a combination of flowers with butterflies could make up a nice idea. You could also start out with just one design and make it into more of a mural as time goes on.
Monday, June 21, 2010
Friday, June 18, 2010
Thursday, June 17, 2010
New DesignTattoo Removal
The image of a tattoo can be so captivating that it stirs all the senses. You can have a tattoo rose with barbed wire around it and still look very good. The Ying and Yang, loving and gentle, but authoritative and intimidating. But if you're planning to ink a flower tattoo on your body, it is best to find the meaning of the flower, and what you represent. You can then combine different images to give contrasting views of your tattoos.
There are many methods women can use to remove unwanted tattoos today. Firstly, these are the ones you want to stay away from scarring and dermabrasion. Two of them are old technology and mechanisms such as grinding. Sanding the top layer of the skin in an attempt to get rid of a tattoo has penetrated much deeper is the best way forward. Not only is this very inefficient, it is extremely painful and may leave scars. Men can be concerned about scarring, but as a woman, it's a pretty safe bet that is what you want.
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Monday, June 7, 2010
Heboh Tattoo Wanita Mirip Luna Maya
Salah seorang pegawai Kent Tattoo Studio, Emil (38) mengaku tidak bisa memberikan keterangan mengenai hal tersebut. Untuk kepastian jenis dan lokasi tato Luna Maya, kata dia, harus Kent langsung yang menerangkan.
"Kalau bos mungkin tahu, soalnya dia yang berhubungan langsung. Tapi kalau saya tidak tahu persis," kata Emil saat ditemui okezone di Kent Studio Tattoos Jalan Venus Timur X No 420 Kompleks Margahayu Raya Bandung, Minggu (6/6/2010) siang.
Emil sempat mengajak okezone melihat video rekaman seorang wanita yang sedang ditato. Dalam video, wanita itu terlihat membelakangi kamera. Seorang pria tampak melukis punggung wanita itu dengan tato motif. Sepintas, perawakannya mirip Luna Maya.
"Yang sedang ditato itu dilihat dari perawakannya Luna Maya. Tapi tatonya bukan di paha, tapi di punggung. Makanya, untuk lebih jelasnya, mending tanya bos (Kent)," kata Emil.
Sumber :
- okezone.com
- artis.inilah.com
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Definisi dan Sejarah Tattoo
Rajah atau tato (Bahasa Inggris: tattoo) adalah suatu tanda yang dibuat dengan memasukkan pigmen ke dalam kulit.
Dalam istilah teknis, rajah adalah implantasi pigmen mikro. Rajah dapat dibuat terhadap kulit manusia atau hewan.
Rajah pada manusia adalah suatu bentuk modifikasi tubuh, sementara rajah pada hewan umumnya digunakan sebagai identifikasi.
Rajah merupakan praktek yang ditemukan hampir di semua tempat dengan fungsi sesuai dengan adat setempat. Rajah dahulu sering dipakai oleh kalangan suku-suku terasing di suatu wilayah di dunia sebagai penandaan wilayah, derajat, pangkat, bahkan menandakan kesehatan seseorang.
Rajah digunakan secara luas oleh orang-orang Polinesia, Filipina, Kalimantan, Afrika, Amerika Utara, Amerika Selatan, Mesoamerika, Eropa, Jepang, Kamboja, serta Tiongkok. Walaupun pada beberapa kalangan rajah dianggap tabu, seni rajah tetap menjadi sesuatu yang populer di dunia.
Menurut Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia, tato berarti gambar (lukisan) pada bagian (anggota) tubuh.
Sumber : wikipedia.com
Kapan seni merajah tubuh/ tato mulai ada?
Keberadaan merajah tubuh di dalam kebudayaan dunia sudah sangat lama ada dan dapat dijumpai di seluruh sudut dunia. Menurut sejarah, ternyata rajah tubuh sudah dilakukan sejak 3000 tahun SM (sebelum Masehi). Tato ditemukan untuk pertama kalinya pada sebuah mumi yang terdapat di Mesir. Dan konon hal itu dianggap yang menjadikan tato kemudian menyebar ke suku-suku di dunia, termasuk salah satunya suku Indian di Amerika Serikat dan Polinesia di Asia, lalu berkembang ke seluruh suku-suku dunia salah satunya suku Dayak di Kalimantan.
Tato dibuat sebagai suatu symbol atau penanda, dapat memberikan suatu kebanggaan tersendiri bagi si empunya dan simbol keberanian dari si pemilik tato. Sejak masa pertama tato dibuat juga memiliki tujuan demikian. Tato dipercaya sebagai simbol keberuntungan, status sosial, kecantikan, kedewasaan, dan harga diri.
Teknik Pembuatan Tato
Ada berbagai cara dalam pembuatan tato. Ada yang menggunakan tulang binatang sebagai jarum seperti yang dapat dijumpai pada orang-orang Eskimo, Suku Dayak dengan duri pohon jeruk, dan ada pula yang menggunakan tembaga panas untuk mencetak gambar naga di kulit seperti yang dapat ditemui di Cina. Bukannya tidak sakit dalam proses membuat tato. Sebenarnya rasa sakit pasti dialami ketika membuat tato di tubuh, namun karena nilai yang tinggi dari tato, dan harga diri yang didapatkan, maka rasa sakit itu tidak dianggap masalah.
Ada berbagai jenis dan ragam bentuk tato, tergantung dengan apa yang dipercaya oleh suku-suku bersangkutan, dan di setiap daerah umumnya memiliki persepsi yang berbeda-beda tentang tato, meski pada prinsipnya hampir sama.
Tato di Beberapa Daerah
Di Borneo (Kalimantan), penduduk asli wanita disana menganggap bahwa tato merupakan sebuah simbol yang menunjukkan keahlian khusus.
Di Cina, pada masa zaman Dinasti Ming (kurang lebih 350 tahun yang lalu), wanita dari Suku Drung membuat tato di wajah dan pantatnya untuk sebagai tanda bagi keturunan yang baik.
Di Indian, melukis tubuh/ body painting dan mengukir kulit, dilakukan untuk mempercantik (sebagai tujuan estetika) dan menunjukkan status sosial.
Suku Mentawai memandang tato sebagai suatu hal yang sakral dan berfungsi sebagai simbol keseimbangan alam.