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Friday, July 30, 2010

Tattoo Allergy

Although extremely rare, a tattoo allergy usually occurs because of the type of inks used. Most allergy symptoms are the result of using red, green, blue and yellow colored inks. In the past, many brands of tattoo ink used mercury in them but this practice has all but disappeared because of its harmful side effects.

If you have a tattoo allergy then you suffer from allergies Type 4 also called cell-mediated or delayed allergies. When T-cells become activated and result in an inflammation of the effected area. It usually develops with repeated exposure to some substance in the environment. All of a sudden you may develop a hypersensitivity to all of your jewelry. Symptoms may include a rash, itching, swelling, blistering, and eczema.

Although extremely rare, a tattoo allergy usually occurs because of the type of inks used. Most allergy symptoms are the result of using red, green, blue and yellow colored inks. In the past, many brands of tattoo ink used mercury in them but this practice has all but disappeared because of its harmful side effects.

Today many of the inks used by tattoo artiest contain nickel, cadmium and chromine. Many of the cheaper jewelry items contain nickel in them and if you have problems wearing jewelry then do not get a tattoo. It is also important to note that symptoms may not show up immediately, but may take years to show up.

All allergies tend to get worst over time. The more times you are exposed to the offending agent the worst your allergy symptoms become. The first time you get a tattoo you may show only a slight redness or itching, which is usually attributed to the tattooing process itself instead of an allergic reaction. After getting your second, third or forth tattoo, suddenly all of your tattoos develop rashes and blistering not just your newest work of art. This is the reason why getting a skin patch test is not really conducive to detecting allergies before getting a tattoo.


If you develop tattoo allergies soon after you get your inked masterpiece, you can often get relief with the liberal application of antibiotic ointment, hydrocortisone creams, anti-itch creams and cold compresses. If the area does not clear up in a week or two you should visit a dermatologist who will likely prescribe some type of steroid to combat your tattoo allergies.

Nickel, cadmium and chromine from the inks used will be in your body for life. If your allergy symptoms show up after several years of obtaining the inked work of art you should seriously consider having all of them removed. Laser tattoo removal is the latest and perhaps the best method of removal.

Laser energy causes the tattoo pigment to fragment into smaller particles which can then be removed by the body's immune system. Because black pigment absorbs all laser wavelengths, it's the easiest to remove. Colors such as green, blue, red and yellow selectively absorb laser light and can only be treated by selected lasers based on the pigment color.

Common Vitamins and over the counter products can help with treating the allergy symptoms such as Vitamin E, Aloe Vera, and Quercitin.

Vitamin E accelerates wound healing and aids in the functioning of the immune system. Vitamin E can be taken internally or applied as a lotion to the affected areas of the skin.

Aloe Vera will help rejuvenate and tone skin all over. A naturally cooling gel, the Aloe Vera botanical ingredients work together to stimulate the blood circulation and naturally soften the skin.

Quercitin is a well-known flavonoid. Flavonoids are powerful antioxidants and can reduce inflammation boost the immune system and strengthen blood vessels and improve circulation. Quercitin is also known for its ability to block the release of histaminesFind Article, thus reducing or preventing allergy symptoms.

Always consult your doctor before using this information.

This Article is nutritional in nature and is not to be construed as medical advice.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Ed Hardy Tattoos - Lower Back Design

Ed Hardy Lower Back Tattoo
Ed Hardy Lower Back Design
Ed Hardy has contributed a lot to the to the world of tattoos and he is well recognized today for his works. His art work have traveled many nations where the designs of Ed Hardy have been inked by many people. In this tattoo, depicted is a popular tattoo that is probably the most famous Ed Hardy Designs, "Love Kills Slowly", which is also a logo that is printed on shirts and clothing line by Christian Audigier, who was granted permission by Ed Hardy to print his designs.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Lower Back Butterfly And Tribal Tattoos

Lower Back Butterfly Tribal Tattoo
Lower Back Butterfly Tribal Tattoo
Butterflies are beautiful creatures of nature, their meanings as a tattoo often symbolizes rebirth or can be a significance symbol that revolves around a new change in life. Butterfly tattoos have always been admired by both women and girls. There are many places to get a butterfly tattoo design. In this picture of a lower back tattoo, the design consist of a butterfly tat with tribal designs that is embellished with a name in black ink.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Baby Wings Tattoo Design - Memorial Tats

Baby Wing Tattoo
Baby Wing Tattoo
Winged tattoos are commonly known as a positive symbol that have a connection with heavenly angels. It is a symbol that many people have come to love having as a tattoo design. In this image, it shows a winged tattoo of a memorial or remembrance design that is dedicated to a lost love one, most likely that of a newborn baby or child.

Cool NEW Pictures Updated Constantly

Welcome to the female tattoo gallery. Here you can post pictures of your tattoos and check out the most popular female tattoos are.

One of the most frequently repeated reasons a tattoo artist hears from female clientèle when they come to get a tattoo is that they just broke up with their boyfriend. A lot of women visit a tattooist when their divorce papers are signed. The ratio of female to men in some studios can be as high as 60 percent women to 40 percent men.

It appears that women get tattoos when they've experienced some kind of major life change in a lot of cases. Those changes can range from the death of a loved one to marriage to childbirth or a new job. This is a practice that is thousands of years old amongst tribal cultures.

So what are the most popular tattoos for women? It seems anything floral, tribal designs across the lower back, fairies, unicorns, butterflies, and sunflowers are the go for female tattoos. Dolphins were the most popular tattoos for women, in around 2003 but every year demand for a particular tattoo design changes.

A photo on Flickr

Why Tattoos are so Goddamed Hot!!

What is it that makes tattoos, particularly erotic tattoos, so intriguing to some people, and so off-putting to others? There are lots of associations and meanings assigned to them and those who have them, of course, with generally disreputable origins ranging from drunken sailors to biker gangs and prostitutes.

Then there is the closet tattoo enthusiast such as businessmen or lawyers who gets erotic tattoos on more hidden skin as a way of 'going against the grain' or expressing a hidden side without risking their professional respectability.

Erotic tattoos such as this koi fish tattoo can look very hot on girls.

There is something empowering about claiming absolute ownership of our bodies, free of the judgment of others and the restrictions of a culture that is profoundly suspicious of the body, its desires, and its pleasures. The idea that our bodies are fully available to us to use however we choose -- to offer us pleasure, well-being, and identity (and babies only when we want them) -- is still a controversial one in this culture.

"Your body is like a house [you] live in," according to Fakir Musafar, one of the most outspoken proponents for body modification and erotic tattoos, in a brilliant interview published by ReSearch magazine. "It's your house, and you can do with it as you please. If you want it pink, you paint it pink. People like Australian aborigines know something that people here don't know, and that's the reason they can poke holes in the body, they can tattoo it, they can decorate it.

Fakir Musafar speaks of body modification as a rite of passage from childhood to adulthood several people who have gotten tattoos have done so as a way of reclaiming their bodies from child traumas involving physical or sexual abuse. There is a definite sense of transition that comes from knowing you are making an unmistakable, permanent change in your body's appearance.

Aside from obvious aesthetics, the real significance of the tattoo process is the realisation of how much is possible once we overthrow the kind of cultural conservatism that would limit us to a tiny fraction of our full potential for life and personal expression.

Fakir Musafar says it well. "A whole part of life," he notes, "seems to be missing for people in modern cultures. Whole groups of people, socially, are alienated. They cannot get close or in touch with anything, including themselves. Why? What's going on here?

For a long time Western culture has dictated - don't f**k with the body; it's the temple of God. But finally people are starting to see things in a different way. People need these rituals so desperately. That's why piercing and erotic tattoos have blossomed.

Popular Chinese Tattoos & Chinese Dragons

Chinese Tattoos have always been hugely popular. At one stage they were the realm of criminals and the mafia. Now it seems even Hollywood celebrities seem to have caught on to the mystery and allure of the Far East. While it is undeniable that classic Chinese tattoos have an attraction which can easily be appreciated regardless of whether one can understand the often subtle meanings or not.

Aesthetics should be the primary consideration when getting tattooed, and Chinese characters are very well suited to this purpose. While tattoos have always been conversation pieces, Chinese tattoos add another element, since the typical viewer will probably ask you the meaning, which allows the wearer to not only translate the characters, but to explain the story behind the decision to make such a lasting statement.

Meaning is an important question however and for this reason can make Chinese tattoos date very quickly. Often it is not quite what the wearer was told by the tattooist at the tattoo shop or the meaning can become irrelevant after a few years.

Chinese dragon tattoos like this are very popular! Click image for more chinese tattoos!

Hopefully the person being tattooed has done his or her research and consulted with a native Chinese speaker about the meaning before being inked. Some non Chinese speakers have unwittingly tattooed their bodies with Chinese symbols which when translated become meaningless.

The most common Chinese tattoos are ones that are supposed to represent ideas and qualities like love or strength. Keep in mind that the concepts are aimed at English speakers, and on that level "peace, love and happiness" are easily understandable.

But before you run off to the studio to get one done you should do your research. Selecting a Chinese tattoos deserves careful study and attention. It should have less to do with style and more to do with your character, work, and values. It's permanent, so it's a pretty important decision in your life. In the end, it is important to choose something of lasting appeal not something faddish.

Famous Faces Line Up to be Inked!

This surge in popularity of celebrity tattoos began in the 1960s. Lyle Tuttle the forefather of American tattooing tattooed Janis Joplin. Time was when tattoos were the preserve of those on the fringes of society but now it is not uncommon to see celebrity tattoos. Even super models such as Kate Moss and Sarah O'Hare strut around flashing their body art on the cover of glossy magazines or on the cat walk.

Actor Johnny Depp ranks as heavily tattooed for his caliber of talent and breadth of acting work. His tattooed arms are as often painted to be blank flesh as left with their own tattoos showing and incorporated into the character.

Historically musicians were renowned for getting tattoos. Good Charlotte and Green Day are an example where the band members have a well-developed collection of tattoos. Eminem also continues to add to his tattoo collection but some critics have claimed that it will inhibit him if he wants to play a bigger acting role. Eminem's tattoos are a combination of a style that is typical of Hip Hop and R&B artists such as 50 Cent and Nelly.

Hot Metal and Skulls 'n' Bones

When most people think of bikers they think of gang members with menacing biker tattoos. The reality is that biker gangs only represent 1% of actual bikers. We have all heard of The Nomads and Gypsy Jokers who represent the outlaw side of bikers. The ones you see whizzing past you on the freeway most likely are biker enthusiasts. Having said that the sound of fifty Harley Davidson bikes in your rear view mirror can be daunting!

Bikers have long since being misaligned in the public eye and are constantly on the receiving end of bad press. The ones you hear about are the One Percenters as they are known by biker enthusiasts. Their world is one of turf wars, conflict with police and criminal activity including the manufacturing of speed and ice.

Biker tattoos.

People join bikers gangs such as the outlaw motorcycle club for many different reasons. One of the main things was the brotherhood or comradeship. It's similar to the army or anything like that, with discipline and codes of honour. The main reason seems to be freedom - the freedom of the biker lifestyle, and most of all, the freedom of the open road. All bikers crave the same thing - the pure adrenaline rush of two wheels at high speed.

The image is of freedom but the reality is of harsh discipline from the club to enforce its rules. Arthur Veno has spent 20 years studying and associating with the clubs. According to his research, new recruits are from lower-working-class or underclass backgrounds, looking for stability.

Those rules are things like you're not to touch another member's wife or partner, no backing out on fights, if you see one person fighting, it's got to be everybody in. No use of heroin in particular seems to be the rule. No missing 'church', which is their equivalent of their meeting, which occurs every week.

Club rules vary, but most have been adapted from those of the Hell's Angels in the US. The clubs themselves are generally not involved with criminal activities as such. There is, however, no doubt that individual members within the clubs are involved in criminal activities.

Biker Tattoos

Hot Metal and Skulls 'n' Bones

When most people think of bikers they think of gang members with menacing biker tattoos. The reality is that biker gangs only represent 1% of actual bikers. We have all heard of The Nomads and Gypsy Jokers who represent the outlaw side of bikers. The ones you see whizzing past you on the freeway most likely are biker enthusiasts. Having said that the sound of fifty Harley Davidson bikes in your rear view mirror can be daunting!

Bikers have long since being misaligned in the public eye and are constantly on the receiving end of bad press. The ones you hear about are the One Percenters as they are known by biker enthusiasts. Their world is one of turf wars, conflict with police and criminal activity including the manufacturing of speed and ice.

Biker tattoos.

Biker shows off his tattoos © Lord Hatred

People join bikers gangs such as the outlaw motorcycle club for many different reasons. One of the main things was the brotherhood or comradeship. It's similar to the army or anything like that, with discipline and codes of honour. The main reason seems to be freedom - the freedom of the biker lifestyle, and most of all, the freedom of the open road. All bikers crave the same thing - the pure adrenaline rush of two wheels at high speed.

The image is of freedom but the reality is of harsh discipline from the club to enforce its rules. Arthur Veno has spent 20 years studying and associating with the clubs. According to his research, new recruits are from lower-working-class or underclass backgrounds, looking for stability.

Skull tattoo designs are common biker tattoos.

Skull tattoos ©

Those rules are things like you're not to touch another member's wife or partner, no backing out on fights, if you see one person fighting, it's got to be everybody in. No use of heroin in particular seems to be the rule. No missing 'church', which is their equivalent of their meeting, which occurs every week.

Club rules vary, but most have been adapted from those of the Hell's Angels in the US. The clubs themselves are generally not involved with criminal activities as such. There is, however, no doubt that individual members within the clubs are involved in criminal activities.

Skulls are popular tattoos for bikers.

Skulls are popular tattoos for bikers © Sarah - Bristol, England

Everyone has their own perception or biker gangs whether or not that it is the right perception. A lot of people have the wrong perceptions of bikers not helped by the generally scary imagery favored by bikers as tattoos. Generally the perception of bikers as being violent thugs is one of misperception.

Biker tattoos usually depict the biker gang the biker belongs to. Skull and dice tattoos are can often be seen on bikers along with fantasy style and Norse tattoos depicting mythical creatures. As mentioned earlier it is hard to tell the difference between bikers who belong in gangs and those who are weekend enthusiasts who are retired or work in the corporate world. Just be careful when chatting to that burly dude at the bar next time...

Short Guide to Tattoo Apprenticeships

Becoming a tattoo artist is more than simply ordering a tattoo kit through a tattoo magazine and experimenting on your friends! Tattooing is an art form with rules that have to be respected.

Failure to adhere to those rules can result in much more than a dodgy piece of art work but can result in the transmission of potentially fatal diseases and lawsuits running into millions of dollars not to mention earning the reputation as a 'scratcher'!

It takes a lot of time and money to become a tattoo artist so it helps if you have some formal training in art to give you an understanding of form and color technology. But it is an art that can be learned without formal training and contrary to popular belief there are still a few tattoo artists out there who are willing to take on apprentices to teach an eager student how to become a tattoo artist.

If you have decided to go the route of apprenticeship the best course of action is to visit as many tattoo studios as you can and strike up a relationship with the tattoo artists. Most tattoo artists are open and don't mind being asked questions or allowing you to watch while they work - within reason!

Watch how they operate. If you have a portfolio of artwork show it to them. Bounce ideas around and suggest that you would like an opportunity to even help them around the studio in return for a chance to learn more about the craft of tattooing.

If your artwork is any good you may be surprised that a lot of tattooists will be keen to share their techniques with you and maybe even employ you full time in their studio. A good junior tattoo artist can work wonders for their business and raise their own profile as well as your so really show them your worth. Really let the tattoo artist know how passionate you are about tattooing and how keen you are to learn.

When it comes to becoming a tattoo artist Albert Einstein's theory that "imagination is more important than knowledge" holds true. Be creative and don't be afraid to share your ideas with other tattoo artists.

Eventually someone will recognize that you are serious and will allow you the opportunity to work under their tutelage. Eventually as you gain confidence and more experience you will find that you will be able to tattoo someone professionally. At that stage you will then become an employee to some tattoo artist with their own studio or even break out on your own to become a well known tattoo artist in your own right.

Remember there is much to learn before becoming a tattoo artist but it is a journey worthwhile taking if you feel that it is your calling. Nothing beats the feeling of creating a work of art that is going to stay with someone for the rest of their lives.

Hot Tattooed Chicks Callin' the Shots

Suicide Girls weren't the first alt-porn site but you could say they took porn to a whole new level. They are without doubt the most widely promoted if not the largest and most influential of all alt-porn sites. They effectively made porn cool attracting nerds as well as hipsters and thats just the models. Although Suicide Girls have received their fair share of criticism there is no doubt that they have redefined pornography and attract a predominantly female audience.

The models themselves have been described as cynical, bitter and jaded as hell or appealing to the Emo set. There seems to be no shortage of guys who want to discuss Voltaire with them whilst jacking off and they are not disappointed. There is no academic deficiencies amongst some of the girls. Their spokesperson and regular columnists Marisa Di Mattia of Needled fame is a high flying legal eagle.

Suicide Girls - Hot girls with tattoos

Possibly the biggest attraction of the Suicide Girls is with the girls’ interactions with other members. Each Suicide Girl has her own profile page which includes her photo sets, and blog. Members can post on their favorite Suicide Girl's blog, send private messages or just keep up with their day to day life online.

Erotic filmmaker Candida Royalle, a former porn actress herself and a longtime champion of women’s sexuality, sees the Suicide Girls’ philosophy as part of a larger shift in societal attitudes. No longer are the girls happy with demeaning depictions of themselves. They literally call their own shots and have a fair degree of control on how they want to be portrayed.

Is it Time to Rethink Your Ink?

Usually when we think of cover-up tattoos we think of an old lover whose name was tattooed in a moment of madness on some part of the body (usually highly visible) only to be regretted after the relationship suddenly ended. This is somewhat of a cliche and most often not the case.

Generally a lot of people are presenting to tattoo studios for cover-up tattoos simply because they want to touch up an old faded tattoo or rework an old design that does not resonate with them any longer. It may be the original tattoo design was not the most professional job or is just starting to look a bit dated.

This can often happen when a small tattoo was done without considering the bigger picture. For me personally that meant getting a small kanji tattoo covered over with a bigger tattoo that meant more to me. There is nothing wrong with rethinking your ink and covering up with a bigger and better tattoo.

Cover-up tattoos can be an art. Tattoo by Pedro Fraga.

In the last few years there has been quite a bit of advancement with tattoo inks. This has led to a whole new variety of colors and inks that look brighter and better than the inks of old. In that sense many old tattoos can actually be made to look much better than what they did beforehand without taking away from the skill of the original artist of course ;-)

Many artist also specialize in cover-up work so it is a good idea to check through their portfolios to see some of the cover-up tattoos they have done. Don't settle for an artist who is content to cover up your old tattoo with heavy blackwork but is willing to use some creativity in integrating the old design with a newer better one.

Even if the original tattoo was black it is still possible to work the old design into a newer more colorful design with a little bit of imagination either by yourself or the artist who will probably have a better idea what will work and what will end up really dark and undefined. Remember it is your body so you decide what the finished outcome is.

Hardcore Gamers Fight Back

A tattoo artist friend of mine said to me recently that if he had a choice over tattooing or playing computer games he would choose the games. Now don't get me wrong - he is not some neophyte who has just started and doesn't know where he is at. Far from it. He has cut his teeth in tattooing but just prefers to hang out in Hack and Slash rather than in the tattoo studio.

I thought this was amusing until he said that he wouldn't have a problem chucking in his career as a tattoo artist to become a full-time gamer. It was then I realized how passionate he was about his games. You see I don't really play games. I was never any good at them. I had grown up with Atari and more recently bought myself a PlayStation but only ever used it to play music through.

Hardcore gamer shows his Atari tattoos.

It was only until I went to Japan that the whole gamer culture was opened to me. Up until then I had always associated gamers as being young teenage boys with pale skin and spots who spent all of their time in their bedroom with the curtains closed. How wrong I was.

It made me realize that the stereotype I had in my head for years about gamers was all wrong and that there were hundreds of thousands of people such as my tattoo artist friend who were the norm not the exception. They were the kind of people you would see at Burning Man Festival and think to yourself how rad they were.

Then I came across a story about this family who all decided to get a tattoo after their mom passed away. One of them said - "since we had just been through some bad stuff, it seemed like a good idea at the time. Grief's funny like that. We were all gamers, there were three brothers, so the Triforce seemed a natural fit. We made the decision to do it, then promptly didn't for two years, because I was a wimp."

This story blew me away on so many different levels. I am always one to encourage people to think seriously before they get a tattoo and try make sure it means something to them. This made me think that you don't have to get some portrait tattoo or a tattoo design of a headstone or some other predictable tattoo to honor a loved ones memory.

Old gamer shows his Triforce tattoos.

Modern Tattoos Quest for Deeper Meaning

It is about time these cultural vampires in the mainstream media woke up to the fact that tattoos are not some passing fad. Admittedly tattoos have been getting a fair bit of press lately in part driven by high profile celebrities flashing their ink in public. Or shows such Miami Ink with their carefully chosen tattoo artists making the whole tattooing process look like some kind of modern alchemy much the same way that thousands of wannabes wanted to become DJ's in the late 1990's when the DJ was revered as some kind of shaman.

I believe this is only part of the story. I would venture to say that the main reason for the massive increase in people wanting tattoos goes much deeper. Believe or not the vast majority of people get tattoos not in some vain attempt to be part of the crowd or cool but because part of them recognizes the deeper significance of tattoos and need for something beyond the mundane. To the tired and cynical hack this hunger for meaning is completely lost on them. Possibly because they cannot see beyond the vacuous consumer driven culture they are trapped in.

Tattoos have long been practiced as a quest for deeper meaning.

They fear anyone who is not part of their mindless consumerist culture. Fear is what it really is no matter how subtle its disguise. It shines through in everything they write from the cliche ridden nonsense disguised as journalism in the culture section of mainstream newspapers to the ultra conservative fundamentalists who warn of the evils and regrets of those who get tattoos. To them anyone who steps outside this mass hallucination known as consensus reality is immediately singled out from the herd and subject to ridicule.

It is the same form of mind control which brainwashes kids into accepting everything they are taught in school and told never to question authority or the massive lies which pass as history. No wonder people grow up to be mindless sheep when they are indoctrinated from such an early age. History really has become a set of lies agreed upon to keep people in their places and maintain the status quo.

The funny thing is that once you step outside consensus reality you begin to see how shaky the ground is upon which their spectacular lies are built. The people who are controlling the instruments of power such as the mainstream media know this and this is the reason why they use ridicule to suppress anyone who dares to challenge the official set of lies.

Getting tattoos used to be a form of rebellion. In many ways it still is to people who feel as though they are constantly bombarded with advertisements for designer labels and sucked into believing they need this or that to make their lives more meaningful. Well guess what? We have had consumerist culture shoved in our faces since the 1940's and it still hasn't made us any happier as human beings.

Tattoos as Ritual

Tattoos have long been associated with rituals amongst tribal people. Young men would often be tattooed to mark their transition from boyhood to adulthood and to mark other rites of passage. The process of tattooing is deeply symbolic and contains many of the elements associated with ritual such as blood, symbolism and the awakening of the astral body through the experience of pain.

Tattoos and the modern practice of tattooing is seen by many as an almost mystical experience akin to the exchange of energy experienced during tantric sex or modern day sex magick. In many ways the level of trust involved in opening your body up to the tattooist is equivalent if not greater than the abandonment associated with the ecstasy and release of sex.

Tattoos as modern ritual.

Nothing is more personal than giving a person permission to inflict a permanent mark on the body whilst drawing blood causing pain in the process. All the elements of ritual are present in this very act from the marking of the body very often with sacred symbols, the drawing of blood (life-force) and inducing pain which is seen by many as something spiritual.

Before the advent of modern medicine many people believed that pain rather than being an inconvenience was something that brought the person closer to their God. They didn't attempt to mask the pain with painkillers but experienced it fully. Perhaps practices such as branding, suspension, amputations and other extreme body modifications are a reaction to the spiritual emptiness or 'pain' of modern day living.

This spiritual emptiness of the modern world manifests in the obvious need for people to seek out meaning in their lives. This is apparent to anyone working in the tattoo industry who will tell you about the surge in people seeking tattoos that have a ascribed meaning to them. Whether that be a tattoo with some kind of spiritual significance or even a tattoo which takes the form of a sacred symbol or image of an Eastern deity.

Symbols have been practiced for thousands of years for religious, magickal and sacred reasons. We have become so bombarded by advertising images that we are almost immune to their presence. It is not surprising that symbols, sigils and seals would be used as tattoos. Many people are beginning to suggest that the placement of sacred symbols on their bodies can help with illness or grief.

The practice of yantra tattoos amongst the people of the Cambodia and other Far Eastern countries has a deeper meaning than merely warding off the 'Evil Eye' that our modern medicine has yet to catch up with. Not too long ago the medical establishment in their absolute arrogance and closed mindedness scoffed at the practice of acupuncture and now doctors are refusing to treat people with tattoos. What does that tell you?

Modern life which is absolutely devoid of ritual often chews up many people and spits them out onto the streets or if they are lucky enough they get trapped in the endless Get Up...Go to Work... Come Home...Eat...Go to Bed paradigm like mice on a wheel. Tattoos seen in this light can be a transcendent experience with the process of being tattooed, the choice of tattoo symbols or imagery and the pain/permanence factor all contributing to being a modern day ritual of sorts.

The Ins And Outs of Temporary Tattoos

With more and more people deciding to get tattoos removed in this day and age, greater and greater importance is attached to choosing not just the right design, but also the right placement, the right artist, the right depth, even, as well as countless other details connected to the decision (not to mention removal options if things don't sort out).

Now, granted, the risks involved should be fairly minimal if you make these choices intelligently and thoughtfully (and not as the result of a drunken binge late one night) but you may still run into issues with sanitation of equipment, potential for infection, and a variety of other issues.

Remember, with the exception of the uncomfortable prospect of removal, the choice you make is permanent by definition. For these various reasons, a temporary tattoo might be an ideal way to go in terms of test driving a decision

Friday, July 23, 2010

Flower Tattoos and the Meaning of Life

With the great surge in popularity of tattoos amongst women, flower tattoo designs are commeasurately gaining popularity. Not only are there endless possibilities with color, design texture, and style, but many flowers in the context of tattoo design carry various meanings which may be desirable for the female tattoo enthusiast. The following are some of those meanings.

Flower tattoos, by their nature (no pun intended) convey a connection to the natural world, conjuring up images and thoughts of life, vitality, and spirit. Flowers have long been a touchstone of our connection with something bigger than ourselves, and, at the same time, simpler. For this reason, many spiritual disciplines of the East advocate "flower meditation", with us seeing ourselves as siblings to the flowers, both being children of the Universe, and privy to the same natural abundance that the flower enjoys. Well, when considering the prospects of a flower tattoo design, the design can also conjure up the same sense of connection to nature and the abundant world.

Lower Back Tattoos

As alluded to in the previous articles on foot tattoos and flower tattoos, women are making their mark on the world of tattoo design. Another popular area of the body to receive a tattoo is the lower back.

Even though the meaning may differ from culture to culture, it is generally agreed that they lower back is a very sensual spot on a woman's anatomy. Adding to this is the quality of mystery, being able to hide and/or reveal the tattoo as the wearer sees fit. She can choose to reveal it as she sees fit.

Foot Tattoos

While tattoo enthusiasts can become virtually addicted to the experience of tattooing, and treating their skin like a veritable canvas of self-expression or living art, there are many who would like to have the experience of a tattoo without needing to invest so much dermal real estate in getting one. This isn't just for matters of looks, or aesthetics. There are considerations of public exposure, and whether or not having a tattoo in appropriate in a given workspace, or other settings. For this reason, foot tattoos have become increasingly popular.

So, why foot tattoos? Well, for a number of reasons. First, it's much easier to control visibility. Because they are on one's foot, by definition they will only be seen when it would be customary for one to go barefoot. This automatically precludes the boardroom or the typical PTA meeting. Odds are with whoever you are comfortable enough to be barefoot with would be someone you wouldn't mind seeing your tattoo, or, likewise, in whatever setting you are comfortable enough to be barefoot in, or perhaps wearing flipflops, you wouldn't mind your tattoo being on display.

Second, they are usually much simpler, as you are working with a much more confined space. This is one of those cases or situations where less definitely is more. In fact, from a design or aesthetic standpoint, more often than not, the simpler the better. Having, for instance, a Chinese character, a simple glyph, a spot of tribal, or a simple celtic knot, can be very elegant, where as a much more pervasive design can prove overkill. It's doable, but a good deal more thought and consideration would need to into the execution of said design.

Third, based on this inherent simplicity, they are generally much less painful. Simply put, less skin used equals less pain. That's a fairly good rule of thumb. Less Skin = Less Pain. If you are new to tattooing, then you may want to remember that as you start thinking of about grand motifs covering the entirety of your back, for instance.

Fourth, despite their small size, or perhaps because of it, the can prove to be rather sexy, perhaps surprisingly so. There is something very subtle and understated about a foot tat that has an alluring, ephermal appeal, much like its cousin the lower back tat. There is something rather bohemian about it that can appeal to the imagination. Much like meeting a young lady who looks to be in all respects a traditional sort, if you notice a lower back tattoo as she bends down to pick up her purse, it can have quite a disarming effect, as if reveal a wild side that she keeps hidden. That surprise can be quite stimulating. Seemingly straightlaced on the outside, who knows what wild streak lurks underneath!

Fifth, as alluded to before, the sky's virtually the limit when it comes to potential design motifs. We mentioned Celtic and Tribal already, along with Chinese characters or Japanese kanji. Well, since the sky's virtually the limit, let's not forget celestial designs such as stars, suns, moons, and, since we are on the subject of suns and moons, there are also the various zodialogical sun signs of astrology. As long as they are discrete, simple, and elegant all these and more can work with foot tattoos.

In future articles we will go more into the logistics of foot tattoos, and some points to consider, but for now just realize the possibilities that exist, especially if you are contemplating your first tattoo and had been reticent to take the plunge. As they say, now may be the perfect time to put your toe in the shallow end and get your feet wet . . . literally.

Celtic Tattoo Designs

While not initially known for tattoo work or body art, Celtic history goes back many millennia and provides a very rich visual and symbolic vocabulary of designs from which to draw. The early Celts were people well known for their skills in such various trades, crafts, and artworks such as jewelry, metalworking, and even weaponry. Not only that, they were warriors as well, whom the Romans regarded as fierce fighters, and this pride in their prowess and warrior culture is evident particularly in the aforementioned trade of weaponry. Most fans of Celtic lore will note that throughout Ireland, there is much evidence and many examples of Celtic crosses, and Celtic artwork in general.

Over the years, modern Celts have developed these motifs even further into an established symbology for themselves as a cultural touchstone. This is particularly present in North America, with Celts being very proud to display their Celtic descent. Particularly so since there was no written history of Celtic lore, unlike the work done by monastic scribes in Central Europe, so since the Celts had to rely on oral tradition, this symbology became all the more important. Ergo, these symbols and forms of knowledge have been passed down through the years, due to this lack of written history. It is perhaps this reason that Celtic tattooing has become so popular, since this tattooing helps to keep the Celtic tradition alive with such famous motifs as the aforementioned Celtic cross and as well as various forms of Celtic knotting.

Now, incidentally, while many might assume that Celtic Tattooing is a recent phenomenon, presumably with tattoo aficionados simply looking to add some Celtic flair to what would otherwise be an arbitrary choice in tattoo design, in fact, the Celts do indeed have a rich history of tattoo work and body art. Most of these designs come from Ireland, where the evidence of Celtic history is very strong indeed, as one would imagine. The Trinity College, which is founded in Dublin, contains copious manuscripts documenting the myriad of Celtic symbols, customs, and heritage. The zenith of Celtic tattooing, however, happened during the height of the era when stone and metal work was highly popular.

The aforementioned Celtic knot tattoo is one of the most popular and most common design motifs, featuring unending loops symbolizing a never ending cycle of life and death, dying and rebirth. Also present in lore are Celtic animal tattoo designs, which bear a resemblance to their siblings, the knot tattoos, though usually the cords in the design commonly terminate in heads, tails, and feet, whereas the pure knot tattoo designs are typically never ending, unless the artist wishes to add an end to symbolize a spiral.

Best Friend Tattoos - Matching Tattoo Designs

Best Friend Tattoos
Best Friend Tattoos
Ideas for best friend tattoos can come in many ways and form. Ideas can come from the things you and your friend both have in common or ideas can be keyed to activities you both love to share and enjoy together. Having matching tattoos of a similar design as in this tattoo picture of matching star designs, is something you can relate ideas from. You can also think about tattoos with "half counterparts" such as a half heart tattoo that can be split between you and your friend. Deciding to get a "friendship tattoo", remember a close friendship bond is something that should always be cherished through both the good and bad times. Seriously think about getting a best friend tattoo design, as sometimes friendships our not forever, but tattoos are.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Ace Of Spades Tattoo Design

Ace Tattoo
Ace Of Spades Tattoo
Playing card tattoos are sometimes tattooed by individuals that like to gamble. Some of the most popular tattoos of playing cards are the "joker" and those of the hearts and spade suits. The queen, king, jack, and the ace are some of the preferred designs for tattoos. The history of the ace of spades and it's design goes back to its creation. The ace of spades is a known as the death card, the ace is also considered the highest valued card in the deck.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Lower Belly Tattoos

Lower Belly Tattoos
Lower Belly Tattoos
When we think of belly tattoos, one of the most likely area we think about is the navel or belly button. But not all belly or stomach tattoos have to involve around the "belly button". Women and girls thinking of getting a tattoo design on the stomach area might also find the lower belly area of the waist a good spot for a tattoo.

Neck Tattoos - Are They Sexy?

The art of Neck Tattoos, is it really considered to look sexy? The neck, or the nape of the neck is known to be a sensual part of the body, therefore tattoos placed in this location will certainly look sexy. Neck tattoos were originally reserved for men but now there are more and more women indulging in this form of body art, and they look sensational. MY opinion is that the quality of the artwork, type of design and the location would determine whether it looks sexy or not.

Men often have tattoos done on the side or front of the neck, where as women tend to place them on the nape or back of the neck. Bold masculine designs such as a scull, tribal art, a cross, animals and snakes are forms of tattoos that men tend to prefer, but even a flower such as a rose on the side of the neck have the effects of being masculine when done by a good tattooist.

Depending on the individual, women tend to have beautiful delicate designs tattooed to the back or nape of the neck. The choice of tattoo design preferred for the neck area of a woman are small delicate images. Designs such as zodiac symbols, stars, flowers, butterflies, music related notes, a cross and other miniature symbols look cool and sexy when inked to the nape.

In general, back of neck tattoos are popular as it is an area that can easily be concealed when desired. Due to the fact that certain employees do not allow tattoos to be noticeable at the workplace, one can cover the neck tattoo by wearing collard shirts, turtle neck tops or hiding it under the hair. Back of neck tattoos are usually a starting point or a beginning of a cool back tattoo design.

Select the best design that is suitable to your theme or personality. For obvious reasons, it is not advisable to have the names of loved ones permanently etched to any part of your body. Consider a design or symbol that represents the idea or feeling you want to evoke, all that limits you is your imagination. Finding sexy neck tattoos is exciting and less stressful with the large database of designs on line that you can browse through at your convenience. Make the right choice, find the database with the best designs suitable for you and get inked!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Ankle Tattoos For A Woman

Ankle Tattoos
Ankle Tattoo
Some of the best places for a tattoo on a woman is the ankle. Tattoo designs for such a spot can be very stylish and fashionable. Women and girls often get their name tattooed on the ankle, but their are other designs of ankle tattoos beside names you could consider. Just to name a few, ankle tattoos of flowers, ankle bracelets, floral vines, stars, beads are great tattoo designs for the ankle.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Religious Wooden Cross Tattoo

Wooden Cross Tattoo
One of the most significant symbol for many religion's, are the wooden cross. Tattoos of the wooden cross are a common way to express a person's beliefs or faith in God. Crosses can be displayed in almost any form of design or pattern. Some cross tattoos can be that of tribal, Celtic, or other styles that exhibit a shape that is similar to the known design of the cross.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

10 Flower Ideas For Foot Tattoos

Foot Tattoos Flowers
Foot Tattoos Flowers

More ideas for foot tattoos representing different styles of flowers that many women find beautiful and irresistible. All images should be used to gather ideas for your own tattoo. Don't try to duplicate these flower designs in any manner, be creative and design your own tattoo.

flower tattoos
Flower Tattoos For Foot

Dandelion Flower Fluff Tattoo
Dandelion Flower Fluffs

Flower Tattoo Designs
Flower Tattoo Designs

henna flower tattoos
Henna Flower Tattoo

foot tattoos of flowers
Foot Tattoo of Flowers

Sunflower Tattoo
Sunflower and Flower Tattoos

Tribal Flower Foot Tattoo
Tribal and Flower Foot Tattoo

Flower Ideas For Foot Tattoo
Foot Tattoo Ideas For Small Flowers

Hawaiian Flower Foot Tattoo
Hawaiian Flower Foot Tattoo

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Cute Elephant Design - Ankle Tattoo

Elephant Tattoos
Elephant Tattoos
Cute tattoo designs can involve lots of things that people find very pretty and attractive. Baby animals such as monkeys, tigers, kittens and this elephant tattoo design fits the category of being a "cute tattoo".

The highest quality tattoos designs

High Quality Tattoos Of Navy Tattoos

Full Back Dragon Tattoos

Lower Back Tattoos

High Quality Star Tattoos

Friday, July 16, 2010

Tattoo Pattern Designs Of Tribal, Celtic, & Henna

Tribal foot tattoosThinking about some of the best designs of foot tattoos can lead you toward some of the most popular tattoo designs. With that being said, tribal, Celtic and henna designs can fit most women needs to wanting a great tattoo for their foot. With tribal designs for a foot tattoo, you can create a design to accent the lines and curves of your foot.

Tribal foot tattoos doesn’t have to be a complicate design to be beautiful. A small simple tribal design can be pleasing just as much as any other design.

Tribal Foot Tattoo
Tribal Foot Tattoo Design

Tribal Koi Tattoo
Tribal and Koi Fish Tattoo

Tribal women designs
Tribal Designs For Women

Tribal Design Foot Tattoo
Tribal Design foot Tattoo

Looking at Celtic foot tattoos, they can be symbols commonly used in Celtic tattoos. Knot works can be configured into many shapes and objects. Creating your own interlacing Celtic patterns into a unique design is something to consider also.

Celtic Trinity Tattoo
Celtic Trinity Tattoo

Celtic Tattoo
Celtic Tattoo

Henna foot designs leaves a lasting expression that is very amazing and beautiful. Henna art are very detailed and delicate. Having a great henna design tattooed permanently will have you enjoying the henna tattoo for the rest of your life.

henna tattoos
Henna Tattoo

Henna Tattoo Ideas
Henna Tattoo Design Ideas

Henna Foot Tattoo
Henna Foot Tattoo